Friday, July 20, 2007

My take on Religion

This is a really difficult post to write about, and I have thought a lot on this topic, and still I am confused. So there are no well thought out ideas in this post. I am basically writing whatever comes in my mind. I hope it remains comprehensible.
I believe religion is a tool. It is a tool created by us, to create fear in the mind of people. Fear, to make them do the correct thing. Think about it. Don't we try to do the right thing because of the fear of God, because of the fear of retribution in some afterworld, because of the fear of going to hell, where everything is bad and hot. Isn't the fear of God more overwhelming than the fear of the law? How many of us really fear the law, especially in India? If every law can be worked around using money or influence, why do most of us still follow them? Why do we do the 'right' thing, even when we know when doing the wrong thing won't make a difference?
Another thing that I have realised about religion, especially about my religion, Hinduism.
Unfortunately religion in India today has denigrated to the point of being a matter of convenience. Want to visit a temple? Don't want to spend 4-5 hours like the 'regular' devotees? Just pay some money, and get a straight ticket to the statue. Instant penance (for a price)!
Why blame the temples? All around the temples you see people trying to take advantage of your devotion. People selling flowers, prasad etc just so you can please your God. You go to Shirdi, the place of Sai Baba, and you realise the extent to which commercialisation has taken place. Go inside the temple by leaving your shoes outside, and by the time you come back, your shoes are gone! And which shop is nearest to the temple? A shoe store! You go to Mathura. People have converted their homes into temples. Some temples trying to popularise themselves rent huge bands which play extremely loud music imploring people to visit this specific temple.

So is this post about Hinduism-bashing?No, because I don't know other religions well enough to be able to comment on their faults.Is Hinduism all bad?No, this post is about the people who claim to be the guardians of the religion, for whom it seems the economics have overtaken the duties that they have to be fair to all.

Do I believe in God? Yes I do. But I don't believe in going to different temples to wash away my sins. I believe sins can only be negated by doing positive deeds. That's what every religion basically preaches and that's how we should be following life.

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